Sunday, January 17, 2010

Final Thoughts On: Monsta Island Czars

Ok, it only took months and months but MIC week has officially come to an end. Wanted to take some time to reflect and expand on the MIC legacy.

firstly this is NOT by any stretch all the albums the MIC has to offer, for example

*Ravage the MeccaGodZilla
- Soundclash #1: MeccaGodZilla vs. 007
- Erroars (classic album!)

*Junclassic aka Gabarah
- 2 Much Aint Enuff
- Overqualified
- Late Nites & Early Mournings EP (free download!)

*MF Bash
- That Floods

*MF MEZ & Self Suffice aka King Orga
- The Manhattanites

- The Ear Hustler
- The Boot

*Darc Mind (X-Ray produces these albums)
- Bipolar
- Symptomatic of A Greater Ill

So much more from the MIC to be explored so please dont stop digging, hell maybe i'll even do an MIC Week 2 sometime in the future. Also if you like ANYTHING you hear please support the artist by copping the album, true many of these are out of print but you can still show some support and cop the digital release

here's some myspace links, you can cop albums from the artist or find out where you can from there








Monster X



Also on a final note, some of you may know im an avid cd collector, im looking for Rodan's album, Megalon's The Nickle Bag, and The Manhattanites album, contact me if any of ya'll are interested in selling them and maybe we can make a deal.